Andrew's Insidious Plot
Wherein I detail my plan for total world domination.
EM of GMMs with GPU Acceleration (CUDA)
Sample Expectation Maximization; red Xs represent initial guessed means.
This is a parallel implementation of the Expectation Maximization algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Models, designed to run on NVidia graphics cards supporting CUDA. On my machine*, it provides up to 170x performance increases versus a CPU reference version.See the report for more information.
The interesting code is all in gpugaumixmod.h and gpugaumixmod_kernel.h. The reference CPU implementation is included in cpugaumixmod.h.
It can be integrated into any C program on a CUDA enabled system. Additionally, Matlab integration is provided in
Expectation Maximization is a powerful method for converging to a local maximum. K-means clustering is a special case of expectation maximization of Gaussian clusters.
It was created originally as a term project for my Computational Statistics with Application to Bioinformatics class. See the report for more information.
E-mail me with any questions or comments!
*CUDA 2.1, GTX285, C2D E8400 @ 3GHZ, 4GB ram, Vista 64-bit
- Project Report
- Parallel EM/GMM Matlab/C++ Source (last update: 5/21/2009)
- *bonus* Parallel IQAgent C++ Source (distribution sampler)
The interesting code is all in gpugaumixmod.h and gpugaumixmod_kernel.h.The reference CPU implementation is in gaumixmod.h, which is from Numerical Recipes 3.
It can be integrated into any C program on a CUDA-enabled system. Additionally,
Matlab Mex integration is provided in
You may have trouble compiling as-is, as the config files are set up torun on my Windows Vista 64bit machine, but it's just a standard Cuda kernel
underneath so it should be portable. A precompiled Windows 64-bit version is
See compile.m for the command I use to compile the CUDA/Mex files.
You'll need the CUDA drivers and toolkit from Nvidia: You'll also want to install the MATLAB plug-in for CUDA:">
You'll also want to install the MATLAB plug-in for CUDA:
Once compiled, start off by running gmm_example in Matlab to see it in action.See experiment1, experiment2, experiment3 for ready-to-run experiments
Initial release May 6, 2009Updated May 8, 2009:
-Fixed synchronization issues in kernel
-Cleaned up mex wrapper
-Cleaned up some potential memory issues
-Combined GpuGauMixmod and GauMixmod classes into single class
Updated May 10, 2009:
-Performance increases, doubling speed vs previous version.
Best case it performs 170x reference version speed
(16 dims, 16 clusters, 1000000 data points).
*Unrolled some loop tails
*Decomposed problem even more
*Changed unnecessary double to float
*Using fast exp and log functions now.
*Memcopy to GPU is somewhat lazier.
-Updated plotting and experiment code
-Uncombined GpuGauMixmod and GauMixmod classes again.
Updated May 21, 2009:
-Now handles simultaneous random restarts. Just make the
matrix passed to it 3-dimensional, with the 3rd dimension containing different
*The step function will return a list of log likelihoods for the different restarts.
*The functions for querying response and mean/sigmas now take an optional second
parameter for getting the data for the corresponding restart.